the city: parole reform bill set to pass in albany after rikers deaths

By Reuven Blau | via The City State lawmakers struck a deal Tuesday to overhaul New York’s parole system to limit when formerly incarcerated people could be re-jailed. Under the “Less Is More Act,” parole officers would no longer be able to automatically toss people back into jail if they violate curfew or fail to notify […]

press release – less is more bill sponsors senator benjamin & assemblymember souffrant-forrest announce legislative agreement on major parole reform legislation

Bill to Address How State Handles Technical Parole Violations Slated for Vote in Both Chambers Thursday; #LessIsMoreNY Coalition Calls for Swift Passage Contact: Sumeet Sharma – 646-591-9483 – Follow online: #LessIsMoreNY |  Robin Lawrence, Member of the Katal Center for Equity, Health, and Justice call on NY legislative leaders to pass the Less Is More […]