Close Rikers Rally at Foley Square

Katal Center

Rikers is an absolute disaster and the crisis in the NYC jails is getting worse.  Next week on  Tuesday June 13th, at 9am, we’re rallying at Foley Square in Manhattan to demand that Mayor Adams shuts down Rikers and that the federal courts appoint a receiver to take over and improve conditions for people who are detained at Rikers. Can you join us? RSVP here to join us on 6/13 at 9am at Foley Square (Lafayette Street Worth Street, Centre St, New York, NY 10013).

Tuesday 6/13 is the date of the special phone conference scheduled by U.S. District Court Judge Laura Taylor following the release of a scathing report by the Federal Monitor on Friday, May 26.  The report sounds the alarm about the mishandling of five serious and disturbing incidents in city jails in May by the Department of Correction. Days after the report was released, news broke that Joshua Valles, who was incarcerated in the psychiatric unit at Rikers, had passed away. This was the 22nd person to die in NYC jails since Mayor Adams took office. RSVP to join the rally on Tuesday 6/13.