Under Mayor Adams, the conditions at NYC jails, including Rikers Island Jail Complex, have only gotten worse – at least 28 incarcerated people have died in NYC jails since he took office. Adams has focused on policing and jailing Black, Brown, and low-income New Yorkers instead of investing in true community safety: housing, health care, education, and jobs.
Join the Katal Center for Equity, Health, and Justice for a panel discussion on the crisis unfolding in NYC jails and the organizing taking place to shut down Rikers. The conversation will focus on the history of the fight to shut down Rikers; the current situation inside New York City jails; the racism built into the system; the criminalization of mental health; and more.
The panel will be moderated by Yulan Grant (Shyboi), and we’ll be joined by the Katal Center’s directly impacted members, community organizers, and movement artists. Learn how you can take action to shut down Rikers.
R.SV.P. Here: https://ra.co/events/1790546