Katal Monthly Meeting- Hartford
Join us for our Monthly Meeting in Hartford! The meeting will be held Wednesday, September 11 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. We will meet at our office, 65 Hungerford St Hartford, CT 06106. For those who would like to join via the computer, join us on Google Hangouts here. For those joining via the phone, use this conference line: +1 513-909-3931. The pin is 119 267 882#.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Connecticut team:
Kenyatta M. Thompson, (860) 937, 6094, kthompson@katalcenter.org
Dajuan Wiggins, (203) 295-4888, dwiggins@katalcenter.org
We look forward to seeing you then!
September 11, 2019 at 6pm – 7:30pm
Katal Headquarters
65 Hungerford St
First Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
United States
Google map and directions
65 Hungerford St
First Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
United States
Google map and directions
Kenyatta M. Thompson · kthompson@katalcenter.org · 860-937-6094