Since Mayor Eric Adams took office, 20 people have died in New York City Jails and Rikers is the deadliest it’s been in 25 years. Instead of working to save lives and shut down Rikers, Mayor Adams has been hellbent on calling for more people to be incarcerated at Rikers by pushing to roll back bail reform. This is a blatant attack on Black, Brown, and low-income New Yorkers and will undoubtedly lead to an increase in pretrial detention across the state.
Join us Thursday, May 25th from 5:00-6:00 pm via Zoom for our Close Rikers Phone Banking Session. We’ll be speaking with community members across the city about the need to shut down Rikers and invest in communities. Register for the session here!
To learn more please reach out to our senior community organizer Melanie at (516) 588-0127 or