Advisory – Thursday 12/14: Federal Court Hearing in Manhattan Could Lead to Stripping Mayor Adams of Control Over Rikers

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December 12, 2023

Contact: Yonah Zeitz – 347-201-2768

Follow online: @katalcenter | #ShutRikers #CutShutInvestNY

Thursday 12/14: Federal Court Hearing in Manhattan Could Lead to Stripping Mayor Adams of Control Over Rikers

Community Groups, Elected Officials, and People Impacted By Rikers to Gather at 1pm in Foley Square in Support of Federal Receivership

Support for Receiver Grows  as AG James, New York City Bar Association, NYCLU, and More File Amicus Briefs

New York, NY – This Thursday, December 14, the U.S. District Court in Manhattan will hold a hearing about Rikers, where Judge Swain will respond to the Legal Aid Society and the US Attorney General’s motion calling for receivership. The judge may move in support of this motion and order the control of the jail complex to be taken away from Mayor Adams and assigned to an independent “receiver” who would be tasked with reducing violence and addressing the longstanding issues plaguing the jail system. Ahead of the hearing, at 1:00 PM, people directly impacted by Rikers, along with community groups and elected officials, will gather at Foley Square to make it clear that until Rikers is shut down, the federal courts must appoint a receiver to improve conditions and save lives.  

WHAT: Rally to Shut Rikers

WHEN and WHERE: Thursday, December 14th at 1:00 pm at Foley Square (Lafayette Street Worth Street, Centre St) for a 1 pm rally. The federal hearing starts at 2 pm. 

WHO: Community Organizations, People Directly Impacted by Rikers, Elected Officials, Advocates, and More. Groups will demand that until Rikers is shut down, the federal courts should appoint a receiver to take over to save lives.


There is a growing list of more than 50 community groups and current and former officials who support the call for a federal receiver to take over at Rikers. Over the last month, the federal monitor has issued multiple reports highlighting how the violence and disorder at Rikers is only getting worse, along with allegations of misconduct by the former Commissioner, continued interference and obfuscation of the monitor’s duties by the Adams administration, and more. For Thursday’s hearing, the judge has ordered the NYC Dept of Correction Commissioner Maginley-Liddie, Former Commissioner Molina, Senior Deputy Commissioner Daniels, and Nunez Manager Joyce to attend the court hearing. 


May contain graphic images of a skull and crossbones.

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