Katal Op-ed in the Hartford Courant

Last week, the Hartford Courant published our op-ed about the need to demolish the Connecticut Juvenile Training School (former youth prison) once and for all. For three years in a row, state officials and agencies have attempted to reopen the prison for various uses. As Kenyatta Muzzanni said in the op-ed, “No child should have to walk the halls of a former prison to receive an education. We know our children are worthy of more.” Instead of re-opening the Connecticut Juvenile Training School, we’re calling on Governor Lamont to invest in true public safety: housing, healthcare, education, and jobs. Click here to read the full piece.
To learn more about the dark and tumultuous history of the Connecticut Juvenile Training School and the history of juvenile incarceration in the state, check out this recent story in The Wesleyan Argus.
Upcoming BLOC Training

On Monday, April 17th from 12-4 pm our co-founder and co-executive director, Lorenzo Jones is holding a BLOC training with the Second Chance Education Alliance, Jamii Sisterhood, and Quinnipiac University. This session is the first of a 3-part series on understanding the philosophy and methodologies of community organizing. Monday’s training will focus on the 6 Rules of Organizing as well as how to do an intentional, deliberate 1:1.
Later sessions in this series will address Methods of Social Change (8/7) and Strategy Caucuses (10/23). This series of workshops will end around the time that folks should be getting ready for state legislative sessions and should provide concrete strategies to help identify, streamline, and deploy campaigns rooted in community, leadership development, and political strategy. The cost for these three workshops is $50. Click here to register for the training.
For questions about the training, please email Alycia Gay at alycia@katalcenter.org.
Save the Date: CT Food Justice Gathering

On Saturday, April 29th at 10:00 am we’re hosting Build Leadership and Organizing Capacity (BLOC) training at the CT Food Justice Gathering hosted by Wesleyan’s College of Environment and Cultivating Justice at Wesleyan University. The session is intended for anyone interested in learning how to be more effective at making social change in your community. Also, our Community Organizer Maribel Rodriguez will be a part of a panel discussion talking about #CutShutInvestCT.
Register for the BLOC Training here.
Katal Quotes of the Week
These are some of the quotes we’re thinking about this week.
“You do not win because you are right. You win because you are strong.” –Lorenzo Jones during last week’s statewide call.
For printing and distribution, download the Katal Weekly Update PDF version.
Katal works to strengthen the people, policies, institutions, and movements that advance equity, health, and justice. Join us: web, Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook! Email: info@katalcenter.org Phone: 646.875.8822.