Katal Connecticut Update- August 11, 2022

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Summer Outreach to #FreeThemNowCT 

Our apprentice community organizer Maribel flyering in New Britain.

This week we were out flyering in New Britain and in the West End of Hartford as we continue with our summer organizing drive. We connected with folks at the farmers market, at public libraries, in bodegas, and much more. We spoke with young people and small business owners about mass incarceration in Connecticut and how COVID 19 continues to spread inside of state prisons and jails. And we talked about what’s needed for real community safety in our state: investments in housing, healthcare, education, jobs. 

Many Connecticut residents don’t know that COVID19 remains a crisis inside of correctional facilities across the state. COVID cases in CT prisons nearly doubled during the Omicron surge, and incarcerated people are currently suing Gov. Lamont because the state Dept of Corrections has failed to enact the proper public health measures to save lives. Check out our fact sheet to see what must be done.

To get involved in efforts to #FreeThemNowCT, please reach to Kenyatta Muzzanni at kenyatta@katalcenter.org

We’re hiring – CT Community Organizer Position

We’re hiring for a community organizer in Connecticut. This is a great opportunity for organizers who want to:

  • Build collective power
  • Develop the leadership of communities
  • Fight to end mass incarceration and the war on drugs in Connecticut

 Click here to apply for the Connecticut Community Organizer Position!

Please share this posting in your networks or with anyone you think may be interested. Details about the position, including salary range and how to apply, are here!

 Katal Quotes of the Week

These are some of the quotes we’re thinking about this week. 

“Caminante, no hay puentes, se hace puentes al andar.”(Traveler, there are no bridges, one makes them as one walks.) —Gloria E. Anzaldúa

“We believe we have the right to be called by a name we choose, rather than one someone else decides to use. We think that by insisting on being called “people”, we reaffirm our right to be recognized as human beings, not animals, inmates, prisoners, or offenders.” —Eddie Ellis, The Language Letter

Please support our work

We can’t do this work without you. Please support our work to build leadership and organizing capacity of people to self-advocate and take action together for systemic change.

Be safe as possible out there and get vaccinated as soon as you can. If you want to get involved, learn more about our work, or just connect, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Katal works to strengthen the people, policies, institutions, and movements that advance equity, health, and justice for everyone. Join us: web, Twitter, Facebook!
Email: info@katalcenter.org • Phone: 646.875.8822

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