Katal Connecticut Update- November 3, 2022

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Get Out the Vote: Nov. 8th

We’re less than a week away from the Tuesday, November 8th general elections in Connecticut. Monday, November 7th is the last day to request an absentee ballot in CT.  If you are not registered to vote. Don’t worry, Connecticut allows for same day registration. Candidates across the political spectrum, up and down the ballot, are talking about criminal justice, public safety, and crime– some support reform, while some others don’t. Wherever you live in Connecticut, whatever your political or party affiliation, if you care about ending mass incarceration and fighting back against the forces of racist criminalization, then please study up on the candidates and their positions, and vote.

Here is where you can find your voter registration, polling location, and other necessary information. Election Day registration is not available at your polling place. Instead, you must visit a designated Election Day Registration location in your town.

People with criminal or felony convictions are eligible to vote in Connecticut. If you have completed your sentence and have been released from prison, you may register to vote, even if you are still on parole or probation. For more information, check out this helpful resource from the ACLU-CT. 

Click here to learn more about your voting rights.

Finally, as you know, this year the people of Connecticut are voting for our next governor – if you missed it, here’s a recap of the second and final governor-candidate debateLet’s get out and vote!

November CT Statewide Call Recap

Today, we held our November Connecticut Statewide Criminal Justice call! We had close to 100 people register for the call. On the call, our lobbyist provided updates on the upcoming general election now and how they will impact criminal justice reform moving forward. We also heard from groups leading campaigns around ending solitary confinement, expanding healthcare access to undocumented people and people returning home from incarceration, and much more. Register here to join us for our next call on Thursday, December 1, 2022 

If you have any questions about the statewide call or would like to be a presenter on the next call, please contact Kenyatta at kenyatta@katalcenter.org

Save the Date: A Little Bit of Death VII

Next Friday, November 11th, and Saturday 12th join us for A Little Bit of Death VII, hosted by Hartbeat Ensemble. Our director of organizing, Kenyatta Muzzanni will be performing on Saturday, and our community organizer Maribel Rodriguez will be tabling on Friday evening. A Little Bit of Death is an annual spell that uses the art of community storytelling as medicine while centering the narratives of the BIPOC community and the queer community. This will be a powerful night of healing. We hope you can join us. Click here for tickets.

Katal Quotes of the Week

These are some of the quotes we’re thinking about this week. 

“The powerful can kill one, two, or 100 roses. But they’ll never stop the arrival of spring.” –Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, president-elect, Brazil.

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