katal newsletter – february 14, 2017

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In this issue:

Katal is One Year Old!

The Impact of Losing the Affordable Care Act

Katal is fighting to #CLOSErikers

katal is one year old!

We’re a year old! When we launched Katal a year ago, we included in our inaugural letter this quote from the writer James Baldwin:

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” 

In the midst of this unusual, remarkable time in our nation’s history, Katal moves into our second year, continuing to face the world, and — with great conviction, optimism, and grit — seeking to change it. From a founding staff of three, we’ve grown to a team of nearly a dozen, taking bold action to tackle major problems through innovative strategies and partnerships. Check out these reflections on our first year from our Co-Founders, and check out the new fact sheet and update below. Our new website will be up soon, stay tuned!

the impact of losing the affordable care act

The Affordable Care Act is in jeopardy and the ramifications could be catastrophic to marginalized communities – and set back efforts to end mass incarceration.

Review Katal’s new ACA-focused infographic here. It demonstrates how critical the ACA and Medicaid are to strengthening public safety and health. Produced in collaboration with Daliah Heller, PhD, MPH, (CUNY School of Public Health), the fact sheet explains how a comprehensive approach to healthcare relieves law enforcement, jails, and prisons of the de facto health and social service role they have been forced to fill in the wake of a widespread opioid epidemic, a national housing crisis, and a historically under-funded community health system.

katal is fighting to #closerikers

After launching Katal, one of our first projects was the development and launch of the campaign to close New York City’s notorious jail, Rikers Island. The campaign, led in partnership with our fantastic colleagues at JustLeadershipUSA, has already made a major impact in NYC. Check out the campaign photos, media, and stories on the #CLOSErikers website and be sure to check out the video below from our December action and faith vigil at NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s house.

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