katal newsletter – june 7, 2018

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In this issue:

Amplifying the Call for Bail Reform in New York

Donna Hylton’s “A Little Piece of Light” in Stores Now!

Catholic Charities Care Coordination Services Honors Keith Brown

amplifying the call for bail reform in new york

With just two weeks left for New York’s lawmakers to pass legislation this year, we are amplifying the call for reform to our bail system that would end wealth-based detention. Katal and other criminal justice reform groups lobbied at the Capitol on Tuesday and Wednesday, and supported Akeem Browder’s pledge to reduce New York’s jail populations with real bail, speedy trial, and discovery reform on the third anniversary of his brother Kalief’s death. We also worked with the New York State Council of Churches to put together a letter from interfaith leaders across the state to encourage the governor’s office to pass meaningful bail reform before the end of the legislative session, which caught the media’s attention.

Each day from now until the end of the legislative session, we will be releasing one short video calling on lawmakers to reform New York’s bail system. Follow us on twitter to watch the videos — and find out how you can take action here.

donna hylton’s “a little piece of light” in stores now!

Donna Hylton, Senior Justice Fellow for the Women and Girls Project at Katal, celebrated the release of her memoir this week! “A Little Piece of Light: A Memoir of Hope, Prison, and a Life Unbound” — published by Hachette Books Group — was released on Tuesday. Donna’s memoir has received glowing reviews from the likes of Gloria Steinem, Michelle Alexander, Elizabeth Gilbert and more. You can visit your local bookstore to pick up a copy, or order it online here.

Please join us in congratulating Donna!

catholic charities care coordination services honors keith brown

We have another congratulations to extend to Keith Brown, our Director of Health and Harm Reduction. Catholic Charities Care Coordination Services is honoring Keith today at their 2nd Annual Garden Party in Albany. Prior to joining Katal, Keith worked for 13 years at Catholic Charities Care Coordination Services, serving 8 of those years as executive director. And in 2010, Keith developed and implemented the first Syringe Exchange Program in New York’s Capital Region — Project Safe Point.

Congratulations, Keith, on this well-deserved recognition!

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