katal newsletter – november 3, 2017

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Manhattan DA Candidate Forum Tonight

Monday, Nov 6th: Community Conversation on Bail

In New York? Remember to Vote on Nov 7th!

manhattan da candidate forum tonight


This Friday, Nov 3rd at 6:30pm, Katal is co-sponsoring a Comunity Forum for Candidates for Manhattan District Attorney. We’re working with co-sponsors 5 Boro Defenders, Discovery for Justice, Sylvia Rivera Law Project, and other community groups on the Forum, which will be moderated by  Soffiyah Elijah, executive director of Alliance of Families for Justice. There are two write in candidates who have confirmed attendance — Marc Fliedner and Peter Gleason — and the incumbent District Attorney, Cy Vance, has been invited.

Prosecutors are a driving force behind mass incarceration, and voters deserve to know where each candidate  stands on the issues. Join us tonight for this important discussion. Visit this page to RSVP for the event, and check out the Facebook event here.

monday, nov 6th: community conversation on bail 


Our Albany community conversation about bail reform in New York is just days away! 

Monday Nov 6th, at 6 pm in Albany: Join Katal and our partners at the Center for Law and Justice to talk about bail reform in New York. Details about the event are on our Facebook page.

As Katal continues our work to reform bail in New York, we’re organizing additional events and actions. For more information, or if you want to organize a Community Conversation about bail in your city, please contact Sean Hill (shill@katalcenter.org347-921-0826).

in new york? remember to vote on nov 7th!

The general election in New York is on Tuesday, Nov 7th. In New York City, this means voting for Mayor, District Attorneys, City Council, and more. Don’t forget to vote!  

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