new york update – may 6, 2021

May contain a group of people holding signs on street. One sign reads FREE THEM NOW.

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TOMORROW: #LessIsMoreNY & #FreeThemNowNY Action

A Step Forward for People on Parole

New York Statewide Criminal Justice Reform Call

TOMORROW: #LessIsMoreNY & #FreeThemNowNY Action

With only 5 weeks left in New York’s legislative session, and New York continuing to incarcerate more people for technical parole violations than any other state in the country, we’re increasing pressure on New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo with an Action and Rally outside his Manhattan office to demand he pass #LessIsMoreNY, do more to #FreeThemNowNY, and in the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, do better for people incarcerated in New York prisons!

Join us tomorrow, May 7 at 11 am, outside the Governor’s Manhattan office, 633 3rd Avenue, to tell him to pass #LessIsMoreNY and #FreeThemNowNY!

If you’re unable to make it, watch live on Instagram at @katalcenter and join us next week to call target state legislators during our #LessIsMoreNY Day of Action on Wednesday, May 12 from  11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Register here.

A Step Forward for People on Parole

This week, New York restored the right to vote for people on parole. This step, restoring a right that should have never been taken away from people on parole or anyone living in New York to begin with, ends decades of disenfranchisement of people on parole.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the leadership of advocates and organizers like VOCAL-NYAlliance of Families for Justice, the New York Civil Liberties Union and many others — People on parole in New York are now immediately eligible to register to vote in New York. The new law changes what used to be a parole violation to the restoration of a fundamental right.

New York’s Governor and the State Legislature must now continue to restore voting rights to all New Yorkers including incarcerated individuals, and reform parole by limiting incarceration for technical parole violations with #LessIsMoreNY.

NY Statewide Criminal Justice Reform Call

Save the date! Join us on Thursday, May 13 from 12 noon – 1 p.m. for our next New York Statewide Criminal Justice Reform Call on zoom. Our calls bring together organizers and advocates from across New York to highlight issues, campaigns, and projects advancing criminal justice reform in NY, and discuss ways to align, coordinate, and support each other to end mass incarceration. Register to join us!

If you would like to present on the statewide Criminal Justice Reform call, or you have any questions, please contact Yonah at

Sign up for the Katal Connecticut Update

We announced in March that, after nearly 5 years, we’re ending the Katal Weekly Update, and moving to two separate email updates — one for New York, another for Connecticut. If you’d also like to keep up what we’re doing in Connecticut, please click here to sign up for the Katal Connecticut Update!

Keep practicing social distancing, wear your mask, wash your hands, and check in on your neighbors. If you want to get involved, learn more about our work, or just connect, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Katal works to strengthen the people, policies, institutions, and movements that advance health, equity, and justice for everyone. Join us: web, Twitter, Facebook! Email: Phone: 646.875.8822.

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