Legal Action Center: Much Work Remains to Undo Grotesque Legacy of the Rockefeller Drug Laws
Our new contribution for the #RockReform10 project comes from the Legal Action Center’s (LAC) Tracie Gardner, Vice President of Policy; Anita Marton, Senior Vice President; and Arianne Keegan, Communications Associate.
In their opinion editorial for Filter Magazine, they discuss Carmona V. Ward and the failure of the Supreme Court to act; the advocacy and coalition building history that led to the passage of reform; and 4 sets of proposed reforms to shift our country from a focus on punishment, to treatment and recovery.
“Although some damage can never be undone, much can be. We must stop subjecting more people— who are always disproportionately people of color—to blatant injustice.
The misguided policies of the Rockefeller drug laws and their ilk have done nothing to combat addiction in this country. As we now face the latest overdose crisis and rank as the world’s leading incarcerator, the need to shift from a focus on punishment to treatment and recovery is paramount.”
Read “Much Work Remains to Undo Grotesque Legacy of the Rockefeller Drug Laws” here.