statement – katal center for health, equity, and justice condemns rollback of bail reform in budget

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For Immediate Release

Friday, April 3, 2020


Yan Snead, | 518.360.1534



Katal Center for Health, Equity, and Justice Condemns Rollback of Bail Reform in Budget


Budget Ensures Continuation of Mass Incarceration in New York, Will Harm Communities of Color and Low Income and Poor Communities


In response to the final passage of the New York State Budget, Katal Center for Health, Equity, and Justice issued this Statement:

“Rather than move to end mass incarceration, and in the height of a public health crisis that is ripping through communities across the state, Governor Cuomo has rammed through a budget that includes harmful rollbacks to New York’s historic bail reform law. That the Democrat-controlled State Senate joined with Governor to prioritize ramming these rollbacks through the budget is appalling and indefensible. As a result of these changes, more people will be caged in local jails across the state. More people will be sent to the notorious Rikers Island, which right now is ground zero of the COVID19 crisis in state. Sending more people to Rikers could imperil the effort to permanently shutter the facility. Yet again, communities of color and low income and poor communities will suffer the brunt of an immoral decision to not only maintain, but expand mass incarceration in our state. This is unacceptable, and should be reversed immediately.”



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