In this issue…
A Conversation About #LessIsMoreNY: Addressing New York’s Parole Crisis
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A Conversation About #LessIsMoreNY: Addressing New York’s Parole Crisis
On Tuesday, August 25, Katal members led our another online information session for the greater New York community about our #LessIsMoreNY bill and campaign – what the bill is, how it will help people and their loved ones successfully transition back into their communities, and how to get involved with getting it passed.
During the session, Katal members Cassondra, Lisa, and Della shared their experiences with New York’s parole system, statistics about parole in New York, and what the #LessIsMoreNY Act’s provisions consist of. Katal’s Kenyatta Thompson and Yonah Zeitz discussed the next steps to pass the legislation and details on how participants can get involved and take action to get the bill passed. As the pandemic continues to ravage people inside New York prisons and jails, #LessIsMoreNY will free thousands – saving lives and helping people successfully transition back into their communities, families, and jobs. The time to pass this legislation is NOW.
We thank all who participated and joined us for this important conversation, and we hope you’ll take action below and join us in the effort to get this bill passed!
New Yorkers can join us in taking action here.
If you’d like to join – or even host – a #LessIsMoreNY info session, or to get more information on the campaign and bill, contact Lead Organizer Kenyatta Thompson at
Because of COVID-19, we’re not able to organize in-person in the same ways as before. So we’re more active online than ever. In addition to the bazillion Zoom calls we’re all on, at Katal we’ve ramped up our online social media presence, and further developed online options for folks to take action in CT (like our #FreeThemNowCT campaign) and in NY (including our #LessIsMoreNY campaign). As this global health crisis persists, we’ll continue to engage with our members, our allies, and our networks digitally. If you’re not already following us online, be sure to follow our work and connect with us across social media!
Keep practicing social distancing, wear your mask, wash your hands, and check in on your neighbors. If you want to get involved, learn more about our work, or just connect, please don’t hesitate to reach out.