weekly update – march 19, 2020

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#COVID19 in Prisons and Jails

COVID-19 Resources

#COVID19 in Prisons and Jails 

We hope you’re taking care of yourself and your neighbors and community as we navigate this entirely new, changing terrain of COVID-19. As we all make adjustments to our lives in the face of this new reality, we can’t forget those who are detained in prisons and jails.

We know that jails and prisons are incredibly susceptible to the COVID-19 pandemic; thousands of people are caged together in small spaces with limited options for quarantine, and a limited selection of sanitary and hygiene products. Many incarcerated people suffer disproportionately from chronic health conditions that make them vulnerable to the virus, especially as they are already receiving substandard medical care.

We’re taking action: in Connecticut and New York, we’re working with allies to demand immediate release of people from prisons and jails.

COVID-19 Resources 

The situation with COVID-19 is developing and new information emerges nearly every day. Here are a few of the resources we’ve found especially helpful.

Please take care of each other, practice compassion and social distancing, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you want to connect. 

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