weekly update – march 5, 2020

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Organizing for Social Justice Across Connecticut

In NYC: Join Us for a Symposium on Parole in New York State and #LessIsMoreNY

Defending Bail Reform in New York State

Organizing for Social Justice Across Connecticut

Join the Healthy & Just CT coalition for our 2nd Annual Social Justice Advocacy Day at the Legislative Office Building on Thursday, March 26 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm! During the Advocacy Day, groups from around the state will be speaking on their community issues, legislative priorities and upcoming events.

Details and RSVP.

Families and communities in Connecticut are impacted by mass incarceration, lack of affordable housing, rising healthcare costs, and a large array of injustices. Members of our Healthy & Just CT Coalition are working tirelessly to win reform and secure justice for all in our state. The coalition works at the intersection of healthcare reform and criminal justice reform to address the systemic problems families and communities are facing.

The guiding goals of the Healthy & Just CT Coalition are to:

  • Strengthen the field of criminal justice reform by facilitating intersectional collaborations;
  • Identify and discuss resources for collective action on criminal justice reform;
  • Coordinate work that increases the role and leadership of people directly impacted.

Contact Kenyatta Thompson at kthompson@katalcenter.org or at 860.937.6094 for more information about how to present during the Social Justice Advocacy Day and to learn more about our work in Connecticut.

In NYC: Join Us for a Symposium on Parole in New York State and #LessIsMoreNY

Join us Thursday, March 19th at the Fortune Society for a timely conversation between impacted New Yorkers and New York State policy makers — exploring the problems with the state’s antiquated parole system and how to advance solutions for justice and public safety.

The event is co-sponsored by the Center for Employment Opportunities, the Fortune Society, Columbia Justice Lab, Katal, and Unchained. Space is limited. Please contact Yan Snead at ysnead@katalcenter.org to reserve your seat.

Some #LessIsMoreNY Updates:

  • The #LessIsMoreNY Coalition has launched our campaign website! Visit www.LessIsMoreNY.org to learn more about how the issue of reincarceration for technical parole violations is affecting New Yorkers statewide and what Less Is More would do to fix this issue.
  • Be sure to contact your elected officials today to tell them to pass Less Is More this year! Email and tweet your legislators.

To learn about our effort to pass #LessIsMoreNY and how you can get involved, contact Yan Snead at ysnead@katalcenter.org or at 518.360.1534.

Defending Bail Reform in New York State

The new bail reforms in New York State are working, yet “conservatives, law enforcement, and white supremacists have made it their job to stoke terror and mislead the general public” about the new laws.

In response, community groups and advocates across the state are working to pressure lawmakers to hold the line on bail reform.

Later this month, in partnership with Katal, Legal Aid Society, NYC Housing Authority, NYC Criminal Justice Agency, and Medgar Evers College, New York Public Advocate Jumaane Williams continues his citywide #BailReformNY Information Sessions being held throughout the 5 boroughs. The purpose of these sessions is to dispel myths surrounding the new bail law and to provide impacted communities with factual information and access to services.

In NYC? Join us at the next one at the Van Dyke Community Center in Brownsville on Wednesday, March 18 from 6:30-8:30pmDetails and RSVP.

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