weekly update – october 10, 2019

May contain people in a hallway wearing t-shirts with various messages and logos, possibly indicating their roles or affiliations.

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In this issue…

Making Sense of the Fight Over NYC Jails

In Hartford: Community Conversation on Housing and Halfway Houses

Save the Date: In the Thick, Live from Connecticut

Making Sense of the Fight Over NYC Jails

Aerial view of Riker’s Island Jail Complex, AP

As you know, the fight to close Rikers is reaching a boiling point. We’ve just published a new piece about this fight, providing some context regarding what’s happening between groups on the ground and why.

Next week, on Thursday, October 17th, the New York City Council will vote on the land-use proposal for the construction of replacement jail facilities in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. The proposal is a major component of the City’s contentious plan to close Rikers, and the entire process has generated controversy within the movement to end mass incarceration. Tensions have surfaced and there is growing conflict—about the various proposals including the Mayor’s plan, the Lippman Commission’s plan, the #CLOSErikers plan, and the No New Jails plan; the closure process; and even basic facts.

We hope the article is helpful to those seeking to understand what’s happening on the ground, and we welcome your feedback!

Read “Making Sense of the Fight Over NYC Jails”, here.

In Hartford: A Community Conversation on Housing and Halfway Houses

Join the Katal Center for Health, Equity, and Justice on Wednesday, October 30 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Kamora’s Cultural Corner for a Community Conversation on Housing and Halfway Houses in the Greater Hartford area! The spark was started by one of our members, and has grown into a conversation on how we can make our communities safer for us.

Please RSVP using the link here. For more information, contact Senior Community Organizer, Kenyatta Thompson, at (860) 937-6094, or at kthompson@katalcenter.org.

Save the Date: In the Thick, Live from Connecticut

Next Wednesday, October 16th, one of our members, Taylor Ford, alongside our Senior Community Organizer, Kenyatta Thompson, will be featured on the live recording of In The Thick podcast to talk about mental health and addiction in communities of color. Connecticut has been seen as ground zero for the epidemic where the Oxycontin-maker Purdue Pharma was based and 93 percent of overdoses in the state, are caused by opioids. But the local community has been organizing to save lives statewide.

This event is free and open to the public. The live show will take place in Norwich, CT at Three Rivers Community College (multipurpose room on campus). Doors open at 5:30pm and live show recording will begin promptly at 6pm.

Details and RSVP to reserve your free seat here!

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